Our Techs Can Handle All Your Fort Lauderdale Irrigation Repair Needs And Much More

this lamp was fixed by our Fort Lauderdale irrigation repair prosElectrical Problems

Most of us don't think of electrical problems too often, but you will definitely know if they happen. Short circuits, power outages, and electrical surges can take a sudden and unexpected toll on your timer. Without realizing it, these problems will starve out your lawn. If your controller or timer is on the fritz and resetting it does nothing, our experienced Fort Lauderdale irrigation repair team can help troubleshoot any electrical problem and stop it from happening in the future.

Insects And Mosquitoes

Mosquitoes are a nuisance, and a burgeoning population of them around your home is even worse. Insects and mosquito spikes around your home could mean that you are experiencing issues with runoff and drainage. This can result in standing water that can breed mold, bacteria, and yes, mosquitos.

Calibration and Coverage

lawn wiht brown spots before a sprinkler repair in Fort LauderdaleThe first sign that you calibration and coverage area is out of whack is a patchy appearance on your lawn. If this is the case, our Fort Lauderdale FL maintenance staff can recalibrate your coverage area and replace any sprinkler heads if needed. Remember: Water on the driveway and on your house means that your water is being wasted as a result of miscalibration. Don't let it happen to you.

Water Pressure

Any changes in water pressure is a good time to call your Fort Lauderdale FL irrigation repair pros as soon as possible. We will pressure test thoroghly to isolate the source and fix any leak before any damage is our experts can install a filtration systemcaused. Call the Fort Lauderdale FL irrigation contractors at the first sign of trouble.

Hard Water

Hard Water left untreated can lead to a buildup of rust, minerals, and impurities that will degrade your sprinkler system over time. Our team is ready to provide you with everything you need, from filtration systems and support to seasonal water conditioning. Stop those unsightly rust stains once and for all with the Fort Lauderdale FL experts in irrigation.

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